When: Sunday 15 September 2019
Meet: 10am Bermagui Headland (overlooking Bermagui Harbour entrance)
(Weather dependent)
Narooma and Bermagui Historical Societies and the Montreal Goldfield Management Committee will again revisit the greatest unsolved mystery of the south coast to belatedly celebrate History Week. Every time we do, we turn up something extra.
Everyone is welcome.
Five men disappeared in October 1880 including Government Geological Surveyor Lamont Young who had arrived in Bermagui to survey the new Montreal goldfields. Their bodies were never found, only their boat near Mystery Bay. It became the ‘Bermagui Mystery’.
A car is essential (pooling can be arranged) as we will make several stops before ending up at Mystery Bay for lunch.
Please bring your own lunch and we suggest a portable chair/stool.
Please ring Laurelle (4476 1582) or Judi (0429 068 355) for more information.